MiSSA Locations in NRW

In addition to the coordination centres in Düsseldorf and Essen, there are more MiSSA locations in NRW that are part of the MiSSA NRW network: The centres provide help and support in the respective city. They are in contact with health care providers and other locations and organisations locally and in the region. They are also at the meetings of the MiSSA NRW network.

Aids-Hilfe Bonn
Josefstraße 17 a
53111 Bonn

Your contact person is Alphonsine Kayinamura-Ihunge
Fon: 0228 94909-0
Mail: alphonsine.kayinamura@aids-hilfe-bonn.de

You can find further information at aids-hilfe-bonn.de.

aidshilfe dortmund
Gnadenort 3 - 5
44135 Dortmund

Your contact person is Kevin Ndeme Matuke
Fon: 0231 9508118
Mail: missa@aidshilfe-dortmund.de

You can find further information at aidshilfe-dortmund.de.

Aidshilfe Düsseldorf
Johannes-Weyer-Str. 1
40225 Düsseldorf

Your contact person is Sofia Welter
Fon: 0211 77095-0
Mail: sofia.welter@duesseldorf.aidshilfe.de

You can find further information at duesseldorf.aidshilfe.de.

Aidshilfe Essen e.V.
Varnhorststr. 17
45127 Essen

Your contact person is Pierre Mayamba.
Fon: 0201 10537-04
Mail: p.mayamba@aidshilfe-essen.de

You can find further information at aidshilfe-essen.de.

Aidshilfe Köln
Pipinstraße 7
50670 Köln

Your contact person is Brenda Boke Viebahn
Fon: 0173 56 09 336
Mail: viebahn@aidshilfe-koeln.de

You can find further information at aidshilfe-koeln.de.

Pamoja Afrika Köln
Lungengasse 24
50676 Köln

Your contact person is Helene Batemona-Abeke
Fon: 01512 9605162
Mail: info@pamojaafrika.org

You can find further information at pamojaafrika.org and facebook.com/PamojaAfrikaKoeln.

Aidshilfe Wuppertal
Simonsstraße 36
42117 Wuppertal

Your contactperson is Jana Kawina.
Fon: 0176 34551933
Mail: j.kawina@aidshilfe.wtal.de

You can find further information at aidshilfe-wuppertal.de.