A networking project by, with and for people from the countries south of the Sahara in Africa

MiSSA NRW is meant for people from Sub-Saharan Africa. MiSSA NRW is also meant for the member-organizations of the Aidshilfe NRW (‘Aids Relief Organization NRW’). And for everybody who works in the field of immigration and self-help.

We offer education, advice and counselling regarding sexual health and HIV/Aids. Und regarding all sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

We want to connect people. Our work helps with social inclusion and integration. We fight against prejudices and inequality. We fight against taboos and exclusion. We work with peers. The following organizations support our work and are available to answer your questions:


Network NRW

The "Network MiSSa NRW - Migration and HIV” meets several times a year. These meetings are called: Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft MiSSA NRW (Joint Working Group MiSSA NRW)



Here you can find a list with organizations in NRW that offer services for people with a migration origin.



Here you can find information on our partner organizations.