Strong together!

MiSSA NRW works together with many other networks and organizations. Working together makes it easier to achieve our goals. There are many important projects and networks, and many people who already know each other well. They all work for a better health and for good information about HIV and about other topics for African people.


National network

AGHNiD stands for "Afrikanisches Gesundheits-& HIV Netzwerk in Deutschland" (‘African Health and HIV Network in Germany’) AGHNiD fights for a better health for people from Africa. And AGHNiD also fights for better HIV-prevention.


For HIV-positive immigrants

AfroLebenPlus (‘AfroLife Plus’) is a cooperation of people with HIV from Sub-Saharan Africa.   AfroLebenPlus started in 2001 and has over 20 members.


A project of the Aidshilfe Essen

NEKABENE is a project in Essen for people from Sub-Saharan Africa. NEKABENE helps to solve problems of everyday life. And it also offers help with health care problems.